International Trade

Anti Dumping & Safeguard Duty

Anti-dumping duty is a measure to correct the situation arising out of the dumping of goods and its distorting effect on domestic producers of similar goods. Rapid industrialisation has resulted in large-scale production – and in this situation dumping enables the producer to establish a dominant position in the market. We represent our clients in challenging various anti-dumping and countervailing duties before the authorities.

We provide various kinds of legal services to our clients in respect of the antidumping laws including but not limited to assisting companies to investigate and analyse problems that domestic industries suffer in case of dumping, helping the companies to gather and choose evidence with respect to the problems faced by various industries. We regularly update our clients on various anti dumping laws, policies and notifications, anti-circumvention laws, etc.

We provide assistance in making, reviewing and translating anti-dumping annual review application, sunset review application, and other kinds of legal documents and help them in filling out various kinds of questionnaires; providing consultancy and legal opinions to clients and liaison with governmental authorities and industrial associations.

Director General of foreign Trade Disputes

This is one of the key practice areas of the firm and we have advised several companies who have entered into India to carry on business in import of their goods and onward sale and distribution in India or to source goods and export them out of India. Further, the firm has also assisted in the setting up of several companies for the manufacture and export of the goods out of India. The office of the Directorate General of Foreign Trade is the administering authority of the EXIM Policy. Foreign Direct Investment in Indian companies for import and wholesale trade is permitted, while retail trade is totally restricted.